

joi, 8 mai 2014

New sakura origami

You can obtain a clean result on this side.

A new personal origami model.
Looks as the traditional sakura flower,the same proportions,but has a better result,more attractive  on concave part!In this case you need the rectangular format: 1/2.Strong connection as in classic unit case.


open the right triangle

and open

than unfold and make a reverse fold inside of this triangle to form the pocket of the unit

than as in image nr 9,but the median line in mountain goes under the pocket triangle 

than  put inside the left triangle flap...

now,fold in half

than make the flap for connection


make 5 units.

clasic connection,no glue,very strong result..

A very nice modular flower,beautiful and not difficult as construction ,...And,yes, with posibility of a clean  result on both sides!


joi, 1 mai 2014

Origami Vas 4 petale/Origami flower vessel

Author: Masamichi Naoma

Constructiile cu un rezult clar,curat, fara a da batai mari de cap,au inceput sa ma fascineze tot mai mult in ultimul timp.Redescopar as spune,acel origami simplu,dar atat de eficient ,atractiv si inteligent ca mod de executie.Planuri putine ,ample,monumentale,forme frumos stilizate  au desigur farmecul si poezia lor spatiala.
As mai adauga ceea ce o spun multora deseori,exercitiul in sine de constructie este fascinant si relaxant!

marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Origami heart chair/Petal heart flower

My new origami designs:

1) Origami heart chair (medium level)
2)Petal heart flower (7 modular flower)

Modelele au fost create inainte de Paste.

Easer than the heart armchair posted few articles ago.Look really  very attractive...can be an wonderful decor for a table!

verso (back side)-variations

Avantajul cazului din dreapta este lipsa acelei despicaturi mediane .Totusi ,consider prima versiune mai atractiva ca design.

Looks very nice ,with a clean result ,a beautiful connection,but for stability needs a litlle glue!
Practically I tried to create a new origami heart ,but with the time I saw the possibility of a very nice unit.As a petal of heart (a half)

verso(back side)- a concave flower with 7 petales.

joi, 17 aprilie 2014

Minimalist origami art/Adagio Albinoni


Momentan nu reusesc sa postez linkul.Accesati adresa respectiva.

Paste fericit tuturor!
Happy Easter to everybody!

duminică, 13 aprilie 2014

New origami hearts/Heart armchair/Heart pendant

Personal origami models:

1)- "Convex Stand Heart" with inserts,no glue!(the stand was posted in anterior article)
Looks better in reallity the heart stand with wings!!!!

2)And 2 days ago ,a very attractive and with a very beautiful construction "Heart armchair",Can insert on back side a paper with a message,no glue.Very thanked about this pure design.Perfect as a decorativ origami structure for a table,desk,etc

An wonderful look on back side too!

3) A new "Concave Heart Stand "(yesterday elaborated)
In this case I spent some time for this almost perfect arched expression.An wonderful volumetry through some proportiones .I dream someday to manage a perfect 3d model,on both sides!

4)Finally a " Heart Pendant " with lateral pockets .Very good and nice for to join two photos.I'll try to poste soon some images for to put it better  in evidence.

Have a nice day,and be inspired by love in all your activities!

miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014

Origami Heart Stands

My new personal models created yesterday.
Modele personale create ieri.

Same ideea,so,a common base with different results:a convex and a concave expression.
Este aceeasi idee de constructie urmarind aspectul convex si concav

luni, 7 aprilie 2014

Origami ring of squares-two units

Doar doua foarte simple module care alcatuiesc acest atractiv ring de 8 patrate.Fara adeziv!
Pentru fundal am mai utilizat un patrat ,culoare la alegere.Daca este utilizata hartie fata -verso color diferit ,nu mai este cazul.

Only 2 units,no glue!

joi, 3 aprilie 2014

Origami Perspicacity(II)/Compound of 4 cubes-6units!!!

Incredibila piesa modulara in origami alcatuind 4 cuburi din doar 6 module!
Only six units for this amazing origami compound of 4 cubes!
(The author ????)

Recomand patrate de 15 cm/Recomande squares of 15 cm

Liniile verticale in vale se vor transforma in linii in munte!

Este unul dintre cele mai dificile exercitii de asmablare in origami modular.Desi modulele sunt usor de obtinut,conexiunea solicita gandirea la maxim,FOARTE ,FOARTE DIFICIL! 

Regulile de constructie lucrand in 3 culori:
1)-Planurile  intre cuburi sunt mereu de culori diferite!

2)-Suprafetele in acelasi plan sunt comuse mereu pe diagonala in doua culori opuse!

Recomandat doar  pentru cei cu o experienta indelungata in origami modular si care au un simt de constructie matematica extrem de dezvoltat.
Nu am gasit o metodologie mai usoara,mai lesne abordabila.Greu de explicat in imagini.

Nu incercati decat daca aveti o ambitie teribila si desigur multa pricepere,experienta in acest domeniu,plus ,repet,simt geometric....daca cineva a reusit ,il felicit din toata inima,ba ii ofer si un premiu,instructiuni pentru 3 modele personale postate pe blog.La alegere!

The unit is simple and beauty as part of construction,but it is very ,very difficult to connect (mathematic logic,not as origami work)!!!!